X Author: Jin Chong
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, and Vincent S Battaglia."Surface stabilized LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials with high-rate capability and long cycle life for lithium ion batteries."Nano energy
2.2 (2013) 283-293. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Jin Chong, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, and Vincent S Battaglia."Li4P2O7 modified high performance Li3V2(PO4)3 cathode material."Journal of Materials Chemistry
22.31 (2012) 15775-15781. DOI
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, Xiangyun Song, Paul L Ridgway, Gao Liu, and Vincent S Battaglia."Towards the understanding of coatings on rate performance of LiFePO4."Journal of Power Sources
200 (2012) 67-76. DOI
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, Honghe Zheng, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, Paul L Ridgway, Ji Q Wang, and Vincent S Battaglia."A comparative study of polyacrylic acid and poly (vinylidene difluoride) binders for spherical natural graphite/LiFePO4 electrodes and cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.18 (2011) 7707-7714. DOI