X Author: Wei Tong
kang, kang, Min Ling, Gao Liu, and Wei Tong."Chemical Reduction Synthesis and Electrochemistry of Si–Sn Nanocomposites as High-Capacity Anodes for Li-Ion Batteries."The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
9.17 (2018) 5130 - 5134. DOI
Xu, Jing, Min Ling, Lydia Terborg, Hui Zhao, Fen Qiu, Jeffrey J Urban, Robert Kostecki, Gao Liu, and Wei Tong."Facile Synthesis and Electrochemistry of Si-Sn-C Nanocomposites for High-Energy Li-Ion Batteries."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
164.7 (2017) A1378 - A1383. DOI