X Author: Xiaobo Chen
He, Min, Zhihui Wang, Xiaodong Yan, Lihong Tian, Gao Liu, and Xiaobo Chen."Hydrogenation effects on the lithium ion battery performance of TiOF2."Journal of Power Sources
306 (2016) 309 - 316. DOI
Yan, Xiaodong, ZhihuiWang, Min He, Zhaohui Hou, Ting Xia, Gao Liu, and Xiaobo Chen."TiO2 Nanomaterials as Anode Materials for Lithium-Ion Rechargeable Batteries."Energy Technology
3.8 (2015) 801 - 814. DOI
Wang, Zhihui, Yuliang Zhang, Ting Xia, James Murowchick, Gao Liu, and Xiaobo Chen."Lithium-Ion Battery Performance of (001)-Faceted TiO2 Nanosheets vs. Spherical TiO2 Nanoparticles."Energy Technology
2.4 (2014) 376-382. DOI
Xia, Ting, Wei Zhang, Wenjing Li, Nathan A. Oyler, Gao Liu, and Xiaobo Chen."Hydrogenated surface disorder enhances lithium ion battery performance."Nano Energy
2.5 (2013) 826-835. DOI
Liu, Deang, Michael Fina, Jinghua Guo, Xiaobo Chen, Gao Liu, Stephen G. Johnson, and Samuel S. Mao."Organic light-emitting diodes with carbon nanotube cathode-organic interface layer."Applied Physics Letters
94.1 (2009). DOI
Liu, Deang, Michael Fina, Zhaoyang Chen, Xiaobo Chen, Gao Liu, , Steven Johnson, and Samuel S. Mao."Organic light-emitting diodes with structured cathode."Applied Physics Letters
91 (2007) 093514-1-3.