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Qiao, Ruimin, Kehua Dai, Jing Mao, Tsu-Chien Weng, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Dennis Nordlund, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, Zahid Hussain, Gao Liu, and Wanli Yang."Revealing and suppressing surface Mn(II) formation of Na0.44MnO2 electrodes for Na-ion batteries."Nano Energy
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Dai, Kehua, Zhihui Wang, Guo Ai, Hui Zhao, Wen Yuan, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, Chengdong Sun, Kai Wu, and Gao Liu."The transformation of graphite electrode materials in lithium-ion batteries after cycling."Journal of Power Sources
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Bai, Ying, Xingzhen Zhou, Zhe Jia, Chuan Wu, Liwei Yang, Mizi Chen, Hui Zhao, Feng Wu, and Gao Liu."Understanding the combined effects of microcrystal growth and band gap reduction for Fe(1−x)TixF3 nanocomposites as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries."Nano Energy
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Feng, Caihong, , Le Zhang, Zhihui Wang, Xiangyun Song, Kening Sun, Feng Wu, and Gao Liu."Synthesis of copper sulfide nanowire bundles in a mixed solvent as a cathode material for lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
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Zhao, Hui, Zhihui Wang, , Peng Lu, , Meng Jiang, Feifei Shi, Xiangyun Song, , Ziyang Zheng, , Xin Zhou, Yanbao Fu, Guerfi Abdelbast, Xingcheng Xiao, Zhi Liu, Vincent S. Battaglia, Karim Zaghib, and Gao Liu."Toward practical application of functional conductive polymer binder for a high-energy lithium-ion battery design."Nano Letters
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Zheng, Ziyan, Zhihui Wang, Xiangyun Song, Shidi Xun, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Biomimetic Nanostructuring of Copper Thin Films Enhances Adhesion to the Negative Electrode Laminate in Lithium-Ion Batteries."ChemSusChem
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Zhao, Hui, , Xin Zhou, Sang-Jae Park, Feifei Shi, Yanbao Fu, Min Ling, Neslihan Yuca, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."A polymerized vinylene carbonate anode binder enhances performance of lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
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Yuca, Neslihan, Hui Zhao, Xiangyun Song, , Murat F. Dogdu, Wen Yuan, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S. Battaglia, Xingcheng Xiao, and Gao Liu."A Systematic Investigation of Polymer Binder Flexibility on the Electrode Performance of Lithium-Ion Batteries."ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
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Dai, Kehua, Hui Zhao, Zhihui Wang, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Toward high specific capacity and high cycling stability of pure tin nanoparticles with conductive polymer binder for sodium ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
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Wang, Zhihui, Yanbao Fu, Zhengcheng Zhang, Shengwen Yuan, Khalil Amine, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Application of Stabilized Lithium Metal Powder (SLMP®) in graphite anode – A high efficient prelithiation method for lithium-ion batteries."Journal of Power Sources
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Wang, Zhihui, Yulin Chen, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Improving the performance of lithium–sulfur batteries using conductive polymer and micrometric sulfur powder."Journal of Materials Research
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Dai, Kehua, Jing Mao, Zitao Li, Yuchun Zhai, Zhihui Wang, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Microsized single-crystal spinel LAMO for high-power lithium ion batteries synthesized via polyvinylpyrrolidone combustion method."Journal of Power Sources
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Gu, Meng, Xingcheng Xiao, Gao Liu, , Suntharampillai Thevuthasan, , Donald R. Baer, Ji-Guang Zhang, Jun Liu, , Nigel D. Browning, and Chongmin Wang."Mesoscale Origin of the Enhanced Cycling-Stability of the Si-Conductive Polymer Anode for Li-ion Batteries."Scientific Reports
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Zhao, Hui, Sang-Jae Park, Feifei Shi, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S. Battaglia, Philip N. Ross, and Gao Liu."Propylene Carbonate (PC)-Based Electrolytes with High Coulombic Efficiency for Lithium-Ion Batteries."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
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Wu, Mingyan, , Julian E. C. Sabisch, Xiangyun Song, Andrew M. Minor, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."In Situ Formed Si Nanoparticle Network with Micron-Sized Si Particles for Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes."Nano Letters
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Wu, Mingyan, Xingcheng Xiao, Nenad Vukmirovic, Shidi Xun, Prodip K. Das, Xiangyun Song, Paul Olalde-Velasco, Dongdong Wang, Adam Z. Weber, Lin-Wang Wang, Vincent S. Battaglia, Wanli Yang, and Gao Liu."Toward an Ideal Polymer Binder Design for High-Capacity Battery Anodes."J Am Chem Soc
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Xun, Shidi, Bin Xiang, Andrew M. Minor, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Conductive Polymer and Silicon Composite Secondary Particles for a High Area-Loading Negative Electrode."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
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