Publications: Liu Lab
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Wang, Lei, Yanbao Fu, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."SBR–PVDF based binder for the application of SLMP in graphite anodes."RSC Advances
3.35 (2013) 15022-15027. DOI
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Surface stabilized LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode materials with high-rate capability and long cycle life for lithium ion batteries."Nano energy
2.2 (2013) 283-293. DOI
Huang, Jijun, Elena Ten, Gao Liu, Matthew Finzen, Wenli Yu, Janice S. Lee, Eduardo Saiz, and Antoni P. Tomsia."Biocomposites of pHEMA with HA/β-TCP (60/40) for bone tissue engineering: Swelling, hydrolytic degradation, and in vitro behavior."Polymer
54.3 (2013) 1197-1207. DOI
Huang, Jijun, Dacheng Zhao, , Smit J. Dangaria, , Xianghong Luan, Thomas G.H. Diekwisch, , Guoqing Jiang, Eduardo Saiz, Gao Liu, and Antoni P. Tomsia."Combinatorial design of hydrolytically degradable, bone-like biocomposites based on PHEMA and hydroxyapatite."Polymer
54.2 (2013) 909-919. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Xiangyun Song, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."Conductive Polymer Binder-Enabled Cycling of Pure Tin Nanoparticle Composite Anode Electrodes for a Lithium-Ion Battery."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
160.6 (2013) A849 - A855. DOI
Xiang, Bin, Lei Wang, Gao Liu, and Andrew M. Minor."Electromechanical Probing of Li/Li2CO3 Core/Shell Particles in a TEM."Journal of the Electrochemical Society
160.3 (2013) A415-A419. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Li Zhang, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Correlationship between electrode mechanics and long-term cycling performance for graphite anode in lithium ion cells."Journal of Power Sources
217 (2012) 530-537. DOI
Zuo, Xiang, Xiao-Min Liu, Feng Cai, Hui Yang, Xiao-Dong Shen, and Gao Liu."A novel all-solid electrolyte based on a co-polymer of poly-(methoxy/hexadecal-poly(ethylene glycol) methacrylate) for lithium-ion cell."Journal of Materials Chemistry
22.41 (2012) 22265-22271. DOI
Liu, Xiaosong, Jun Liu, Ruimin Qiao, Yan Yu, Hong Li, Liumin Suo, Yong-sheng Hu, Yi- De Chuang, Guojiun Shu, Fangcheng Chou, Tsu-Chien Weng, Dennis Nordlund, Dimosthenis Sokaras, Yung J. Wang, Hsin Lin, Bernardo Barbiellini, Arun Bansil, Xiangyun Song, Zhi Liu, Shishen Yan, Gao Liu, Shan Qjao, Thomas J. Richardson, David G. Prendergast, Zahid Hussain, Frank M.F. de Groot, and Wanli Yang."Phase Transformation and Lithiation Effect on Electronic Structure of LixFePO4: An In-Depth Study by Soft X-ray and Simulations."Journal of the American Chemical Society
134.33 (2012) 13708-13715. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, , Li Tan, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Calendering effects on the physical and electrochemical properties of Li[Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3]O2 cathode."Journal of Power Sources
208 (2012) 52-57. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, , Jing Li, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."A comprehensive understanding of electrode thickness effects on the electrochemical performances of Li-ion battery cathodes."Electrochimica Acta
71 (2012) 258-265. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Qingna Sun, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Correlation between dissolution behavior and electrochemical cycling performance for LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2-based cells."Journal of Power Sources
207 (2012) 134-140. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Qunting Qu, Li Zhang, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Hard carbon: a promising lithium-ion battery anode for high temperature applications with ionic electrolyte."Rsc Advances
2.11 (2012) 4904-4912. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Jin Chong, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Li4P2O7 modified high performance Li3V2(PO4)3 cathode material."Journal of Materials Chemistry
22.31 (2012) 15775-15781. DOI
Huang, Jijun, Gao Liu, Chengyu Song, Eduardo Saiz, and Antoni P. Tomsia."Role of Molecular Chemistry of Degradable pHEMA Hydrogels in Three-Dimensional Biomimetic Mineralization."Chemistry of Materials
24.7 (2012) 1331-1337. DOI
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, Xiangyun Song, Paul L. Ridgway, Gao Liu, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Towards the understanding of coatings on rate performance of LiFePO4."Journal of Power Sources
200 (2012) 67-76. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Ruizhi Yang, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Cooperation between active material, polymeric binder and conductive carbon additive in lithium ion battery cathode."The Journal of Physical Chemistry C
116.7 (2012) 4875-4882. DOI
Wu, Shao-Ling, Wei Zhang, Xiangyun Song, Alpesh K. Shukla, Gao Liu, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Venkat Srinivasan."High Rate Capability of Li(Ni1/3Mn1/3Co1/3)O2 Electrode for Li-Ion Batteries."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
159.4 (2012) A438-A444. DOI
Liu, Gao, Honghe Zheng, Xiangyun Song, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Particles and polymer binder interaction: a controlling factor in lithium-ion electrode performance."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
159.3 (2012) A214-A221. DOI
Xun, Shidi, Xiangyun Song, , Linwang Wang, Michael E. Grass, Zhi Liu, Vincent S. Battaglia, and Gao Liu."The Effects of Native Oxide Surface Layer on the Electrochemical Performance of Si Nanoparticle-Based Electrodes."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
158 (2011) A1260-A1266. DOI
Liu, Gao, Shidi Xun, Nenad Vukmirovic, Xiangyun Song, Paul Olalde-Velasco, Honghe Zheng, Vincent S. Battaglia, , Linwang Wang, and Wanli Yang."Polymers with tailored electronic structure for high capacity lithium battery electrodes."Advanced Materials
23.40 (2011) 4679-4683. DOI
Chong, Jin, Shidi Xun, Honghe Zheng, Xiangyun Song, Gao Liu, Paul L. Ridgway, Ji Q. Wang, and Vincent S. Battaglia."A comparative study of polyacrylic acid and poly (vinylidene difluoride) binders for spherical natural graphite/LiFePO4 electrodes and cells."Journal of Power Sources
196.18 (2011) 7707-7714. DOI
Xiao, Jie, , Xiaojian Wang, Xiao-Qing Yang, Shidi Xun, Gao Liu, , Phillip K. Koech, Jun Liu, and , John P. Lemmon."Electrochemically Induced High Capacity Displacement Reaction of PEO/MoS2/Graphene Nanocomposites with Lithium."Advanced Functional Materials
21 (2011) 2840-2846. DOI
Kim, Suhan, Moon Jeong Park, Nitash P. Balsara, Gao Liu, and Andrew M. Minor."Minimization of focused ion beam damage in nanostructured polymer thin films."Ultramicroscopy
111.3 (2011) 191-199. DOI
Zheng, Honghe, Gao Liu, Xiangyun Song, Paul L. Ridgway, Shidi Xun, and Vincent S. Battaglia."Cathode performance as a function of inactive material and void fractions."Journal of The Electrochemical Society
157.10 (2010) A1060-A1066. DOI